host = 'localhost'; $this->user = 'xuwm'; $this->pwd = 'bW7LA2pMDAEtnVB7'; $this->dbName = 'gamejj'; $this->charset='utf8'; //连接 $this->connect($this->host, $this->user, $this->pwd); //选库 $this->switchDb($this->dbName); //设置字符集 $this->setChar($this->charset); } //负责连接 private function connect($host, $user, $pwd){ $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pwd); if (!$conn) { echo "Unable to connect to DB: " . mysql_error(); exit; } $this->conn = $conn; } //选库 public function switchDb($db){ $sql = 'use ' . $db; //注意user 和 ' 有一个空格 $this->query($sql); } //设置字符集 public function setChar($char){ $sql = 'set names ' . $char; $this->query($sql); } //关闭连接 public function close(){ mysql_close($this->conn); } //负责发送sql查询 public function query($sql){ $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); return $result; } //获取多行多列的select结果 public function getAll($sql){ $list = array(); $result = $this->query($sql); if(!$result) return false; while($row= mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $list[] = $row; } return $list; } //获取一行数据 常用于 聚合函数 public function getRow($sql){ $result = $this->query($sql); if(!$result) return false; $row= mysql_fetch_assoc($result); return $row; } //获取一个值 public function getOne($sql){ $result = $this->query($sql); if(!$result) return false; $row= mysql_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; }}//$mysql = new SqlHelper();/*var_dump($mysql);$sql = "insert goods values(1121, 4, '苹果')";$mysql->query($sql);$sql = 'select * from goods';$list = $mysql->getAll($sql);var_dump($list);$sql = 'select * from goods where goods_id=4';$list = $mysql->getRow($sql);var_dump($list);$sql = 'select count(*) from goods';$list = $mysql->getOne($sql);var_dump($list);*/